3 minutes
- Deploy OSM MANO & Onboarding VNF in Openstack NFVi
Specification : OpenStack, OSM, NFV, MANO, VNF Onboarding
NFV-MANO Lab Architecture
- OS : Ubuntu 20.04
- vCPU : 4
- RAM : 8GB
- Storage : 40 GB
- Openstack environment (Check installation on https://luthfi.dev/posts/install-openstack-aio-with-kolla-ansible-in-ubuntu/)
- Connectivity between Openstack & OSM
Summary Steps
- Install OSM
- Add Openstack (NFVi) to OSM MANO via VIM
- Preparing images, network, keypair, security groups on openstack (day-0)
- Creating & Onboarding VNF Packages
- Verify & testing
This my VM for OSM
1. Add regular user
If your VM not have regular/ubuntu user, please add first because for installation later.
adduser ubuntu
usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
su ubuntu
cd ~
2. Download & Install OSM Packages
This steps all packages will installed automatically with 1 command, and OSM Component running as container/POD on top off Kubernetes.
wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-12.0-twelve/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
To continue installation, please press Y This installation takes 15-20 minutes, let’s drink coffee first hehe.
For more detail about optional installation, you can from official document : https://osm.etsi.org/docs/user-guide/latest/03-installing-osm.html
3. Verification after installation
Installation success
Make sure your installation like bellow :
POD Status
kubectl get pod -A
kubectl get svc -A
OSM Dashboard
Open your OSM Dashboard with External IP from SVC, above steps.
4. Open Your Openstack
Before add Openstack to MANO, we need understand VIM URL (Openstack URL), in this case openstack using keystone/identity services using port 5000
5. Add Openstack NFVi to MANO (VIM)
VIM is one of MANO component, this function for handle nfvi like openstack, vmware, cloud, and others.
Add Openstack to VIM Accounts, like bellow:
Write about your openstack (NFVi) information
- Name : your VIM Account name
- Type : Your NFVi type
- VIM URL : Your openstack keystone API, (check above)
- VIM Username : Your openstack user
- VIM Password : Your openstack password
- VIM Project/Tenant : Your openstack project will use for VNF
- Config : This section you need if you using HTTP for connection & use floating IP for VNF management later.
Make sure your NFVi connected to MANO
6. Preparing openstack environment (Day-0)
This section we prepared first images & network. Actually depends from your VNF Packages will use existing resources (network, keypair) or created new one.
A. Internal Network
In this case, we create new internal network named mgmt for network management VNF & use floating IP for external connection, need connect to external network with router.
B. Images
C. Security Groups
Understanding about VNF & NS Packages in this Lab
Create VNF & NS Packages is preety complex to understand, because here named of VM (Virtual Machines) not a VNF again but vDU (Deployment Unit) & others complex term.
So to simply this, we created simple VNF Packages with 1 vDU (VM), and create NS Packages (Network service) for connect eth0 to mgmt network & eth1 to inside network.
- vDPU (Virtual Deployment Unit)
- VNFD (Virtual Network Function Descriptor)
- NSD (Network Service Descriptor)
- VLD (Virtual Link Descriptor)
- CP (Connection Point)
- ICP & ECP (I=Internal, E=External)
- NST (Network Slice Template)
- And many more.
If you interest to understand more about VNFD, NSD & NST you can check on official OSM : https://osm.etsi.org/docs/user-guide/latest/05-osm-usage.html
7. Upload VNF Packages
Download simple VNF Packages here : https://github.com/assyafii/vnf-example-packages
First, upload VNF packages
Then, upload NS packages
8. Onboarding Packages
Just click instantiate, OSM Will created VM & Others from packages.
Choose your VIM Accounts will deployed
Wait for it
Yeay, VNF & NS Success onboarding
9. Verification
This step you can verify from NFVi (Openstack) side
You can see here, VNF Already created & have Floating IP
NS Already created also
You can access using Floating IP & Password used cloud_init.cfg defined before in vnfd
All Official Packages
You can check all references packages (VNFD, NSD, NST) here for use cases :
628 Words
2022-01-01 00:00 +0000