Specification : Amazon Web Services, Magmacore, 5G, Cloud, OpenStack, AGW, IaaS

Lab Diagram




Summary steps

  • Create VM Deployer (EC2)
  • Install terraform & others depedencies
  • Setup & Deploy Magma orchestrator
  • Create AGW VM on openstack
  • Install & connecting to Magma orchestrator
  • Verify connected


  • AWS Account
  • Public Domain
  • OpenStack cluster (optional)
    • Can change using others platform (KVM, Virtualbox, or others.)


A. Deploy Magma Orchestrator

1. Setup AWS IAM

Create Users and use administrator permission access


2. Deploy terraform EC2

  • VM for deployer you can use ec2 instances or directly from local access AWS IAM.
  • In this case, i am using ec2 because to make sure not have connection issue during deploy magma.


Follow step like bellow, choose ubuntu 20.04 magma-lab

Add your key-pair for access magma-lab magma-lab

Make sure you can access deployer VM magma-lab

3. Install depedency

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip install boto3

4. Install Terraform

Use version 1.0.11, tested in this lab

wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg --fingerprint
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install terraform=1.0.11


5. Install AWS CLI & Login

cd ~
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install


Login to your AWS Account using Access key & secret key, you can download from when creating user above.


6. Preparation & Assemble Certificates

Clone Magma repository, choose branch and add environment variable (important)

git clone https://github.com/magma/magma
git checkout -b v1.7.0
cd magma
export MAGMA_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/magma


Create & generate secrets

Make sure you have Public Domain (DNS) because later will use for connection between AGW & Orchestrator

mkdir -p ~/secrets/certs
cd ~/secrets/certs

${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/deploy/scripts/self_sign_certs.sh orc8r.rsch-lab.com
${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/deploy/scripts/create_application_certs.sh orc8r.rsch-lab.com


And next create admin_operator.pfx for authentication to Magma API

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey admin_operator.key.pem -in admin_operator.pem -out admin_operator.pfx
ls -lah ~/secrets/certs/


7. Magma orchestrator installation

We will use Helm for deploying orchestrator, go to examples directory, you can choose :

  • Blue-green = Build from scratch, you can custom anything
  • POC = Build orchestrator with minimal specs (we choose this because limitation on credit)
  • Remote = Store terraform state on S3 and locked by DyanamoDB Table
  • Basic = Build with standar specification
cd ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/deploy/terraform/orc8r-helm-aws/examples/
cd poc 


Edit several values

You just configure values bellow :

  • Region orc8r = Your AWS Region will deploy
  • EKS Cluster scaling = By default on POC use 8, but we increase to 12
  • Orchestrator Domain = Using your public domain
  • Region orc8r-app = Same with orc8r region
  • Deployment type = You can use fwa, federated_fwa or all

magma-lab magma-lab magma-lab

Deploy orchestrator

This difficult step, if any issue you can check first by terraform result

terraform init 
terraform apply -target=module.orc8r
terraform apply -target=module.orc8r-app.null_resource.orc8r_seed_secrets
terraform apply

magma-lab magma-lab magma-lab

Make sure all terraform running smoothly


Install kubectl

Install for manages kubernetes cluster with CLI

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl 
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubectl


Change kubeconfig using kubeconfig_orc8r or you can move this one to ./kube/config

cd ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/deploy/terraform/orc8r-helm-aws/examples/poc
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name orc8r --region us-west-2
export KUBECONFIG=$(realpath kubeconfig_orc8r)

Verify cluster EKS running

kubectl get node


Verify All POD Orchestrator running


Verify All Services Orchestrator magma-lab

8. Register nameserver

Register result of terraform output to your DNS Provider, like bellow :


9. Pre-usages Orchestrator

Before using magma orchestrator, we need follow guide bellow first :

Create an Orchestrator Admin User

Just copy-paste no change anything

kubectl --namespace orc8r exec deploy/orc8r-orchestrator -- \
  /var/opt/magma/bin/accessc \
  add-existing -admin -cert /var/opt/magma/certs/admin_operator.pem \

Verify success

kubectl --namespace orc8r exec deploy/orc8r-orchestrator -- \
  /var/opt/magma/bin/accessc list-certs


Create an Orchestrator NMS User

This user for access to Magma NMS GUI

Format Create user

kubectl --namespace orc8r exec -it deploy/nms-magmalte -- \
  yarn setAdminPassword <ORGANIZATION> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>

1. User for MAGMA-TEST organization

kubectl --namespace orc8r exec -it deploy/nms-magmalte -- \
  yarn setAdminPassword magma-test admin-mgm passwordstrong

2. User for MASTER organization

kubectl --namespace orc8r exec -it deploy/nms-magmalte -- \
  yarn setAdminPassword master admin passwordstrong



10. Manages NMS Magma

First, you need login to your domain with format bellow :



Create network

After that we need create network, to add AGW Later, just follow like bellow :



Let’s go to network management magma-lab

Bellow for user interface network management magma-lab

Above last of Deploy magma orchestrator section, next is deploy Magma AGW on OpenStack


B. Deploy Magma AGW

First, we need create VM or Instances with specs bellow :

  • OS : Ubuntu 20.04
  • 2 Network Interface :
    • eth0 = for SGi (internet connection, connection to Magma orc8r)
    • eth1 = for S1 connection to eNodeB (SRSRAN)

In OpenStack we use external network for eth0, and internal for eth1


1. Preparing VM

Create Instance

For create instances you can follow my previous post

Create S1 Port

You need create port inside of internal network, Network -> Network -> Chose internal network -> Click Port and add port like bellow :


Add security groups, we use allow-all magma-lab

After port created, go to instances and attach port S1 magma-lab

And you can see, VM already have 2 network interface magma-lab

Access Instance

Makesure network configuration like bellow



2. Installing Magma AGW

Note for this, we need change address like format bellow :

bash agw_install_ubuntu.sh IP_ADDRESS_SGi IP_GATEWAY
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magma/magma/v1.6/lte/gateway/deploy/agw_install_ubuntu.sh
bash agw_install_ubuntu.sh


Notes : During Installation, Magma VM will rebooting 2 times, so we need reconnect SSH

After rebooting during installation, we can see eth1 or S1 Interface interface already changed automatically magma-lab

To see progress installation, we can check using. And Stopped AGW Installation indicate success installation

journalctl -fu agw_installation


To make sure installation success, check with

sudo systemctl status magma@*


3. Configuring AGW

First, we need Prepare secrets & control_proxy configuration

Create directory to plase certs configuration

sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/configs
Download secrets

Download secrets from Magma Deployer VM previously created in step 6. Preparation & Assemble Certificates

cd /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/
sudo scp -i ~/priv-key-aws-tmp ubuntu@* .


Check all AWS Route 53 address

Check on AWS Dashboard, Route 53 menu


Create control_proxy.yml

This file for connection from AGW to Magma orchestrator and save

sudo nano /var/opt/magma/configs/control_proxy.yml
cloud_address: controller.orc8r.rsch-lab.com
cloud_port: 443
bootstrap_address: bootstrapper-controller.orc8r.rsch-lab.com
bootstrap_port: 443
fluentd_address: fluentd.orc8r.rsch-lab.com
fluentd_port: 24224

rootca_cert: /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem


Check Hardware ID & Challenge Key

This one important, because will Register on the Magma orchestrator



4. Add & Register Gateway

We need login using magma-test organization like previous, and go to devices menu and add gateway


Put Hardware ID & Challenge Key magma-lab

Just click next, for configuration soon when add eNodeb & UE magma-lab

magma-lab magma-lab magma-lab

Save and close magma-lab

5. Restarting AGW Services

sudo sytemctl stop magma@*
sudo systemctl restart magma@magmad.service

Wait for a time, because need time connecting, After connected we can see like logs bellow :


6. Verify on NMS

We can see AGW already connected from OpenStack VM to Magma orchestrator on AWS, and GOOD Health status.

magma-lab magma-lab magma-lab

7. Access Magma API

Othen than accessing using NMS, we can use API for manage.

Download admin_operator.pfx

You need download admin_operator.pfx from your magma orchestrator


Import certificates

Use firefox for accessing WEB API, import certificates like bellow


Click Import, choose your previous downloaded magma-lab

Accessing API

Go to your address, or can check on Route 53 AWS



After it, you need refresh browser and Accept risk and continue, this issue happen because issuer unknown no problem, to solved this we can created secrets on magma installation using Lets encrypt.

magma-lab magma-lab


NEXT Part 2 : Integrate Magma AGW with eNodeB & UE Simulator with srsRAN


Thankyou to:

- Shubham Tatvamasi for great documentation from you
- Magma official Documentation